Valeo Medicine Ball Review

Since ancient Greeks discovered the many health benefits of exercising with weighted balls, this simple fitness tool has been used to increase strength and conditioning. There are a virtually endless list of exercises and routines that both men and women of all fitness levels can perform using a medicine ball. Offered in several different weights to satisfy any exercise or workout requirements, the inexpensively priced and bestselling Valeo Medicine Ball merits a closer look.
Key Aspects of the Valeo Medicine Ball
* Helps to improve your coordination and balance
* Strengthens and develops your core
* Commercial quality, rubber construction
* Specially textured finish ensures a solid grip, even when sweaty or wet
* Offered in 5 different weight sizes
What Makes the Valeo Medicine Ball a Smart Purchase?
A traditional weight ball workout can create explosive power, speed and overall body toning. The versatile sphere shaped ball can be used in a variety of exercises, for both upper and lower body conditioning.
Valeo is known for making long-lasting and functional fitness equipment, and this medicine ball is a fine example of exactly that. Frequently ranked as the #1 bestseller of all medicine balls on Amazon, this sturdy rubber ball comes in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 pound sizes.
Each ball is colored differently, for quick weight identification with just a glance. The 4 pound ball is black with purple striping, the 6 pounder has light green striping, the 8 pounder has red/pink stripes, the 10 pounder blue and the 12 pounder yellow. The weight of each ball is also marked with a large number on opposite sides of the ball.
Multiple health benefits
Included is an exercise wall chart with routines specifically designed to maximize your workout and fitness rewards.
From improved heart health and circulation, to fat and weight loss, the Valeo Medicine Ball boasts multiple health benefits. Also, without the need for a gymnasium or any other costly, space-hogging fitness equipment, this weighted medicine ball can provide a workout from head to toe.
Many popular home exercise programs like P90X2 require very durable medicine balls to max out your workout. The Valeo Medicine Ball is perfect in that regard, as it is sturdy and rugged, but also provides a lot of elasticity when you use it in bouncing exercises. Also, though this ball is gymnasium quality, it is perfect for home use.
Extremely small and portable, as well as durably constructed, purchasing one each for the home, office and vehicle makes a lot of financial and physical sense. For many reasons, the attractively priced Valeo Medicine Ball is a great gift to give yourself, and any other health oriented individuals in your family.